Our Expansion Project:
The “past” is not what it used to be…1900 and earlier. Today the “past” refers to the entire 20th century! The museum has grown to include the history of the living as well as the “forefathers.” We had been able to offer special children’s programs as well as our Speaker Series, but no longer have room for those programs. We have been asked to provide programs for schools, in both history and science. Space for those programs is critical to sharing history. Our planned expansion will increase the original 1,555 sq. ft. of our display/meeting area with another 1,153 sq. ft. Also, the present building will be renovated/retrofitted. The outside will reflect the craftsman style of the early Pleasant Valley and will include a landmark tower to increase visibility from Las Posas Road. A larger museum will provide:
• Expanded exhibit space for newly obtained historical items of local interest
• Classroom space for interactive school programs and field trips
• Protection/storage for our collections
• A dedicated space for The Fulkerson Library
• Improved parking and accessibility
• Exterior donor wall and bulletin board
Approximate amount to complete this project = $1.5 million
Our Expansion Project Fund:
We are on a pay-as-we-go basis and need your donations to our building fund to keep the program on track. Major fundraising is ongoing for the next phases. You may use the “Expansion Fund DONATE” button below or mail your contribution to:
PVHS Building Fund
P.O. Box 570
Camarillo, CA 93011
Your donation is Appreciated
Thank You!
Our Expansion Fund Donations
Progress toward our $1.5M goal

Visit our Expansion Project Videos
Museum Expansion / Andy's Home / Our Shared Story
Our Expansion Brochure:
The Expansion Brochure is a one page summation of the reasons and benefits of the museum's expansion, and a summary of how to donate. The Expansion Brochure button allows the viewing, downloading & printing of the brochure.
Adding a little 'fun' to fundraising:
Sponsoring a Personalized Brick is a $200 donation, and the proceeds of the donation go directly into the to the PVHS Museum Expansion Fund.
The 'fun' part is a Personalized Brick can be personalized with your name, and/or your family’s name, allowing you to be part of the PVHM&G Museum history. Or, a brick can be personalized to honor anyone, or anything, you want to be remembered.
Click the Personalized Brick button, or the Personalized Brick image, to go to the Personalized Brick page.