Our Expansion Project Fund
We had our ground-breaking on June 26 th and are looking forward to the progress of the renovation and new construction of our museum.
The first phase will be the relocation of water and electrical lines and the laying of the concrete pad for the expansion.
In the next phase, the present building will be retro-fitted to today’s requirements, have a new roof and contain expanded ADA compliant bathrooms.
We are on a pay-as-we-go basis and need your donations to our building fund to keep the program on track. Major fundraising is ongoing for the next phases. You may use the “Expansion Fund DONATE” button below or mail your contribution to:
PVHS Building Fund
P.O. Box 570
Camarillo, CA 93011
Visit our Expansion Project Videos
Museum Expansion / Andy's Home / Our Shared Story
Our Expansion Fund Donations
Progress toward our $1.5M goal
Your donation is Appreciated
Thank You!
Our Expansion Brochure
The Expansion Brochure is a two page summation of the reasons and benefits of the museum's expansion, and a summary of how to donate. The Expansion Brochure button allows the viewing, downloading & printing of the brochure.
Adding a little 'fun' to fundraising
Sponsoring a Personalized Brick is a $200 donation, and the proceeds of the donation go directly into the to the PVHS Museum Expansion Fund.
The 'fun' part is a Personalized Brick can be personalized with your name, and/or your family’s name, allowing you to be part of the PVHM&G Museum history. Or, a brick can be personalized to honor anyone, or anything, you want to be remembered.
Click the Personalized Brick button, or the Personalized Brick image, to go to the Personalized Brick page.